It feels a little risky to turn aside from the lists and the ordinary, to follow a glimpse of God…
In April of 2020, living under stay-at-home orders, my daughters and I began the “Quarantine Sonnet” Project. Each day, we each tried to write a sonnet, and we posted them on the wall of our hallway!
Risk It stops you in your tracks sometimes, you know, That whiff of dawn or stew or orange bloom, Wet pavement, or a sinuous and slow Phrase of music hanging in the room. “Oh, right,” you say, "I have known endless joy-- In little flashing moments infinite-- I recognize, I recognize that voice; More home than all these daily tasks and lists." But will you turn aside to Moses’ bush And risk the breathless presence of your God? Leave all your mental sheep and with a rush Take off your shoes and feel the fire-warmed sod? Choose joy, my dear, you have no time to lose The “safe” choice will consume you; you must choose.

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