Swatting at to-do lists, I imagine a more instinct-driven life.
In April of 2020, living under stay-at-home orders, my daughters and I began the “Quarantine Sonnet” Project. Each day, we each tried to write a sonnet, and we posted them on the wall of our hallway!
Projects Like swarming flies I brush off projects that I once had passion for, now tiny ghosts They mingle with the news, chores, podcasts, posts. I cannot love them all, can only swat. Ideas wake my blood, I'm breathless, caught, But then they turn to lists, commands, and boasts. Slave to my former loves I trudge, then coast into a sloth, eyes darkened, spirit flat. Why must I marry projects, vow my time To spreadsheet faith for all my simple flames? Such trifles are no meet mate for my soul. A lioness sees prey move, heart sublime, She leaps unthinking, kills, eats without claims, Then sleeps and planless in the sunshine strolls.
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