My belief in Jesus does not make him more real! It might, however, make me more real…
In April of 2020, living under stay-at-home orders, my daughters and I began the “Quarantine Sonnet” Project. Each day, we each tried to write a sonnet, and we posted them on the wall of our hallway!
Believe in Me "Making Jesus real to you" they say I blink; I'm troubled by the thought that I Could make my Maker, even in my eye. Is he not real, unless I feel and pray? Like Tinkerbell, does Christ just fade away, Become less real, if I neglect to try? Or can I lose him somewhere in my psy- che, beneath distractions of the day? When I forget my Lord he will not gray, Grow dim and fuzzy where he dwells on high-- If anyone will fade, it's me, and I Will lose my saturation, thoughts will fray. O, make me real enough to see you, Lord. Clap me back to life when I grow bored.

I love this…Truth