Beautiful Latin

This is the online home for our in-person “Beautiful Latin” class, which is meeting in Atascadero! Week 6 MaterialsHandout for Week 6 Week 5 MaterialsHandout for Week 5Veni Creator Spiritus (Pentecost Hymn) Week 4 MaterialsHandout for Week 4 Week 3 … Continued

Music of the Spheres

posted in: Poems | 1

My new home is beautiful, but…I can hear the highway, and there are these flies…In this poem I contemplate the deeper meaning of these things. Like many of my poems recently, this was written on my phone (sitting outside) and … Continued

St. Benno & the Frog

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I’m trying my hand at writing in a “traditional storytelling” style–it is a different kind of verse! Here is a fragment of a tale from a medieval Saint’s Life; my retelling is inspired by a translation in Helen Waddell’s Beasts … Continued

Bold Passive

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Sometimes holding still is the bravest thing to do. It is no joke to weep with those who weep, To let their pain be real and stay right there, Set down the urge to salvage or to sweep Away the … Continued


Thoughts about my restlessness in this strange year draw echoes from Augustine’s Confessions, from the philosophy of Josef Pieper, and from my chosen word for 2021, “magnanimity.” inquietum est cor nostrum donec requiescat in te our hearts are restless until … Continued

“Prayer Warrior”

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One day I had an intense prayer walk. In the image of a George Herbert poem, I felt that I was thundering at heaven. As I thought about it later, I realized that intercessory prayer has shifted as I have … Continued


posted in: Poems | 0

This poem started as a narration—my daughter and I had been reading about the surface of the planet Venus—and turned into something a little deeper… Venus My heart has lifted for the morning star,  Brilliance bursting in its perfect place,  … Continued

“A Prayer for Time”

posted in: Poems | 0

While reading the beautiful prayers of Thomas Cramner in the Book of Common Prayer, I decided to try writing in his style. A Prayer for Time Almighty and Most Merciful God,  who holdest all time in thy hands, and bestowest … Continued