I am excited to offer something for mamas in search of lifelong learning! Meeting for just four weeks (once a week), we will enjoy fellowship, rich ideas, and the kind of immediate feedback that leads to growth. Register here for the currently available seminar. Below you will find some of the options I am considering. Let me know in the response form which you would be interested, or what other ideas you may have!
Possible Seminars
- Level Up Your Latin Teaching: Practice and explore classroom activities you can use. What elements of contemporary language pedagogy fit with our educational philosophy? I will attempt to answer with activities you could use the next day in class, and we will practice them together. At the same time, this will be a chance to grasp grammar basics at a deeper level–through reading and talking about Latin quotes that will move and inspire you.
- Write Like the Masters: Would you like to build up your ability to write with power and grace? There is no better way to improve than to practice, using good models, and with immediate feedback. We will look at writings from great authors to observe how they do what they do, and attempt to write “in the style of” each, as Charlotte Mason’s students did. This approach can enrich the writing of essays, but also of letters, blog posts…perhaps even lesson plans!
- Reading Augustine Together: Slow reading! Join me to read and discuss selections from Augustine’s Confessions in the original Latin. (No previous Latin knowledge is required!) We will move very slowly, examining how the words work and conversing with the ideas. We may not read many sentences in a session…but one sentence of Augustine can go a long way!
- Enjoying Poetry: Do you love poetry but sometimes find it a little…opaque? This seminar will be a chance to slow down and experience some great poetry in the company of friends. We will talk about what to listen for, but most of all we will practice doing it and enjoy each other’s insights and reflections.
- Creativity Group: Do you have a creative project on the back-burner that you would love to get serious about? In this group, we will each set our own homework, and be the accountability the others need. In addition to sharing our current work, we will read about and discuss how creativity works, with a special emphasis on older and Christian treatments.