Heather Feldmeth Larson

This website is a gathering together of words I have written and drawn and spoken, and the topics represent many roles and many interests.
I am a Christian, and a member of Santa Margarita Community Church in California. I homeschool in a Charlotte Mason style, and I am part of the Sursum Corda homeschool community, where I developed the Latin program. I teach Latin, Literature, and Shakespeare there, and help out with Plutarch whenever I get the chance. On the side, I have taught high school writing and literature classes, and I am now developing a Latin class for adults.
What is my background? I have a Ph.D. in Celtic Languages and Literatures from Harvard University; I’m a medievalist and worked briefly in academia. My undergraduate degree was in Folklore and Mythology. I play the Celtic harp. I have led countless Bible studies and hosted many, many church small groups. I have been homeschooling since 2009, and reading great books to my children longer than that–I am a great reader-aloud!
What do I think about? I’ve always been fascinated by creativity, and the beginning of ideas that happens on the page as I write. I think about beauty, education, worship, scripture, orality, languages, language pedagogy, medieval manuscripts and scribes…and lots of other things.
What are “translucent” words?