Where children make ideas their own

To learn deeply, we need to put ideas into our own words, to make our own connections. Oral narration (telling back what you heard, discussing) can do part of the job, but journals of all kinds are incredibly helpful.

OrangeFlowerI will be featuring tips, examples, and tutorials for all kinds of journal pages:

  • writer’s notebooks
  • nature journals
  • journals for history
  • copywork and “commonplace” or quote books
  • music appreciation and dictation
  • timelines
  • foreign language practice

If you are homeschooling, or thinking about it–or if you teach in a school–come see examples of what we’ve done and leave me comments about your own!

Click here to see posts about learning journals.

Grown-ups learn, too!

The truth is, I make all those kinds of journal pages right alongside my kids–nothing inspires them more, and nothing is better for my own growth. My learning as an adult mostly focuses on:

  • foreign languages
  • literature
  • scripture & theology
  • education
  • art
  • creativity

All these things, in one way or another, get processed and digested in my journal. So if you’re a life-long learner, have a look and let’s trade tips.